Sunday, June 20, 2010


One day, her grandfather called someone over phone. In the flow of the conversation, he started talking about her and while referring to her, could not recollect her name in time. He struggled to recall it. As she was standing nearby, she prompted him her name and the conversation went on.
Later that day, she narrated the incidence to him and showed some unhappiness about the grandfather being unable to recall her name.
He composed two versions of the same sentiment for her on this incident-

        जो याद करते है आपको दिन-रात
        उनकी आपको कद्र नहीं,
        जो आपका नाम तक भूल गए,
        उनकी तकरार करते हो?

        आप को याद करते है जो दिन-रात
        उन्ही से करते हो तकरार, उनकी,
        जो आपका नाम तक भूल गए?

PS: Allz fiction.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


His grandmother expired last year. The death was due to old age. While talking to his mother about the last days of the grandmother, he discovered that the grandmother had lost some memory and that she had only few bursts of recollections.
Later, when the grief of the death subsided, he reflected on the conversation. And when he imagined himself in the old age, it was unbearable for him to see himself losing the sweet memories he has had throughout his life till now. And there were surely many more to come.
Then he wrote some lines for her-

        As years pass by, my memory will be paler,
        Retention will be lower and recollection slower,
        I will remember things fewer.
        But I know, I shall forget your birthday never...

He didn't know when to convey these to her... Shall it be with her birthday wishes? No, they are not good as her birthday wishes, they contained text more about his age. Then shall it be on his birthday? But then they were not good as a return gift too!!!
After waiting for almost a year, and not finding something like 'The World Memory Loss Day' in the calendar, he thought of posting it on his Blog!!